Part of the LMAX Group
Regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission

Company details

Company details

Operating address (if different to your registered address)

More information on the company


Source of funds

Authorised representative

Authorised traders

Trading experience



In signing and returning this form I confirm for and on behalf of the applicant that:

  • We have full power and authority to enter the LMAX Digital Agreement with LMAX Digital for and on behalf of the named applicant.
  • We have read and understood and agree to be bound by the LMAX Digital Agreement, comprised of the current versions published on the website of: (a) the Terms of Business, (b) the Risk Warning Notice, (c) the Order Execution Policy, (d) the Privacy Policy, (e) the Cookie Policy, (f) the API Agreement (if applicable) and any other relevant documents stated in the said Terms of Business.
  • We declare that the information we have provided as part of this application process is true and complete.
  • We will notify LMAX Digital promptly, with at least two weeks' notice, in advance if we cease to be employed or engaged as an employee, agent or contractor by my/our company, or if we cease have authority to act on behalf of the applicant, whether under the terms of this Agreement or otherwise.
  • I confirm that I have read and understood the nature of the trading services and the risks that the applicant is exposed to, and am happy to proceed with the application.

Authorised signer

Shareholders/beneficial owners


Directors / Controllers

Supporting documents

To help smooth and efficient processing of your Company's account application please ensure the following supporting documentation, if available, is submitted along with it. (click the item to upload)

*Your form data is automatically saved in your browser as you type and only accessed on your current device and browser. If you lose your place, just return to the form on the same device and browser.
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LMAX Digital is part of the LMAX Group Regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission

I'm considering opening an account, please contact me.

T: +44 33 3700 4096 - E: [email protected]
